I honestly didn't think anyone could be more depressing than Noam Chomsky but I was wrong. Now that doesn't mean I didn't love this book. I did. It's pretty much the best book I've read this year. But man is Hedges a downer. Still I love an author/journalist/commentator, whatever, who is willing to criticize just about anybody and everybody not based on an agenda but based on the morality of their actions. If you are into toeing the line of your respective political party, be it Red or Blue, you'll probably have a hard time with this book. But if you are willing to have an open mind you may enjoy what he has to say as much as I did. Or do. He has one chapter or article in here about secession which I found hard to digest but maybe that's one of those instances where I'm not being open minded enough. Other than that, though, there wasn't much written in this book that didn't speak to me.Oh and as others have mentioned you can read most of these articles online but I still very much recommend having them all in one place. Here is one of my favorites from the book...http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/the_tears_of_gaza_must_be_our_tears_20100809/